

Guest Post From Tiffany

Before I start with the actual guest post I just want to say a huge thank you to Amanda! I was so excited when she asked me to do a guest post for her on here. I love reading her blog, so being a part of it makes me feel so happy! When we discussed doing the guest post we decided on a topic together. Today I am going to tell you what it is like for me to be a work/stay at home mom!
I would like to thank Tiffany for guest posting on my little blog. She is not only the designer of my new blog design but she has become a great friend. Pleae check our her blog!
Hi! I'm Tiffany and I blog over at The Momma Bear Diaries. When I started my blog in August of 2010 I was always more obsessed with making it look as pretty as I could before I really even worried about posting a lot. Eventually I just stopped posting on it all together for over six months! When I came back I was more obsessed than ever about trying to make my blog look just how I wanted! I kept looking through blog designers and one day it just hit me... I could do this! So in August of 2011 I launched a new site called TKC Designs where I sell custom (blogger) blog designs and post helpful tutorials. I am now a stay/work at home mom. I really consider myself more of a stay at home mom than a work at home mom as my business is still really just taking off! Anyone who has every started a business knows that take off can take forever. Sometimes I go a month or so without a design. But with each new design I learn something new and I get to help someone else do what I was trying so hard to do myself and make their little spot in the internet represent them exactly in the way they want. It's funny to look at my portfolio and see how the designs have improved with time!!
You actually happen to be looking at one of the favorite designs that I have done! Amanda had an idea of what she wanted, but she let me kind of run with it and try new things! I was so excited when she asked me to do hers. She has such a cute way of blogging and I love that I was able to be a part of the look of her blog.In doing her blog I got to know her and now consider her to be a dear friend! 
The designing aspect of it isn't really the hardest part though. Believe it or not, the hardest part of my job is learning to balance work and play. I am a stay at home mom first and foremost. But designing is something that I love to do so when I have a customer it is extremely hard not to just do that. My two year old daughter doesn't see things that way. She will usually be good and let me do what I can for about an hour at a time. Then she gets bored and wants to go downstairs and watch tv or play together. I can't blame her though. This is actually the whole reason that turn around for a full blog design is about three days once I know what we are doing as far as colors, patterns, fonts, and elements.  
So overall as much as I love it, being a stay/work at home mom definitely isn't easy. But it is something that I truly love doing and I wouldn't change a thing. I mean how many mom's get to stay home with their children and still do something that they love to make money. Designing has fast become a passion of mine and is something I plan to only better with time. Eventually I hope to learn to do web design in general and learn all aspects of digital design. But for now, I love doing blogger blogs! 
In 2012 I am hoping that TKC Designs really takes off and I have weekly business. I already have new/different projects going on that could add to the things that my little business will do in general. You will have to follow the blog to find out what those things really are! I hope to see you all on there soon!

Once again I want to thank Amanda so much for letting me do a guest post on her blog today! She is such an amazing friend and I couldn't be happier to be a part of her blog!
Thanks Tiffany for the lovely post!:)

1 comment:

  1. Yeahhh!!! Tiffany did such a great job on your design - Amanda!! I love it!!
