
Sunday Social

I'm linking up with Neely from A Complete Waste of Makeup for Sunday Social. If you are new here I hope you take some time to look around and stay awhile! enjoy!

Sunday Social

How did you come up with your blog name?

I wanted something catchy and that kinda went with our name.  It was fitting because when I came up with it I was pregnant and things were going differently then most pregnancies so I thought I guess we do things our own way!

What is your favorite thing about blogging?

Meeting new people and finding others who are going through the same things you are!  I also enjoy writing what goes on in our lives. It's kind of like a virtual scrapbook.

What is one thing you have discovered because of blogging and now cant live without?

I guess I would have to say my Erin Condren planner. Before blogging I never knew what it was but now I have one and love it!

Facebook or Twitter? and why? 

Twitter of course!  I love being able to ask a question and get an immediate response. It is also great to learn about things that are going on and I have met some awesome girls through twitter!

If one celeb read your blog who would you want it to be?

Hmm, this is hard.  Maybe the Pioneer Woman! 

What is something you want people to know about your blog?

I write from my heart and sometimes I write about things that are hard to hear but I hope you stay a while and enjoy it anyway!

Can't wait for next week!  


  1. I am new here and I am loving it. Your babies are precious!!!

    And, I agree about the writing from your heart and some things are hard to hear... :)

    Can't wait to read more.

    ♥ Stepha {www.stephanyhyder.blogspot.com}

  2. so interesting and fun to know about fellow bloggers....I write from the heart too!
    i am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
