
Gotcha Day- A Year Later

Last year on June 25 we finally brought home our sweet Emma after 52 days in the NICU and Levi home after 53 days in the NICU.  I was nothing short of a mess walking our of the NICU carrying a tiny girl who barely weighed five pounds. She was just five short days out from her last apnea episode and I was beyond terrified of caring for this preemie girl.

I remember the ride home. I sat in the back with her while Clayton drove. The thirty minute drive felt like it took an hour. I was such a ball of nerves. I remember pulling up to our house where my sweet mom had decorated the front yard with a sign, balloons and new flowers in the garden. I'm still mad that I didn't take a picture but at the time I was so wrapped up in what was going on.

We had a pretty good day with Miss Emma. We were all running on adrenaline. The next morning we left Emma with mimi and went to get Levi! It was so surreal to be leaving a baby at home. 

We got to the hospital and our favorite nurse Jackie was Levi's nurse for the day. Such a huge blessing Miss Jackie is!  Her smile and laughter really helped us get through the NICU experience!

I really can't believe these babies have been home for a whole year.  So much has changed and more than anything I just feel happy that we survived! We did it.Sure there were bumps in the road and rough times but there were also really happy times and I have loved every minute of this past year! 

I feel like we can finally breathe a sigh of relief. I am so thankful to everyone who has helped us this past year. We couldn't have done it without you! 


  1. Sweet babies! And congrats to y'all on making it a year with 2 babies! I'm so impressed!!! :)

  2. What a big milestone! I'm quickly approaching my twins first birthday. It's amazing how 1 year can totally change your life!
