
Life with Mulitples

Today I am linking with Kelly for SUYL- multiples. Growing up I always wanted to be a twin and as I got older I thought it would be fun to have twin babies.  I got my wish and I love having these two and i love the bond that they will share.

When I found out it was twins both Clayton and I were in shock. I had been sent to the hospital to receive fluids after being extremely sick. The ultrasound tech said something about two and we were both confused about what was going on. The Dr confirmed it was twins and things changed from there. My dad is a twin and I always wanted to have twins. I had a few friends that were twins growing up and I loved that they always had each other.

I was excited to tell our families and friends the good news. Everyone was very excited. After dealing with a very rough pregnancy which included a 63 day hospital stay I went into labor when I was 29 weeks and 6 days pregnant. Although many steps were taken to stop labor, the babies were born breathing on their own and fighting.

Emma and Levi were in the NICU for 52 and 53 days respectively. They both came home just shy of their two month birthday. Bringing home one baby is overwhelming but adding in the second you almost need a small army to take care of them. I can't imagine having triplets or quads.

It was a huge adjustment and I have to say that my husband and my mom were the biggest blessings. When the babies came home I was still nursing, but because of their small size I was pumping the milk and we were giving it to them in bottles. At first we tried to have one feeding during the night where one person did it by themselves but quickly Clayton and I agreed that we could get it done faster is we just joined forces and each fed a baby. We quickly settled into a routine and figured out how to handle these two sweet miracles.

It has definitely gotten easier as they have gotten older. Shortly after coming home both babies developed severe acid reflux which is common among preemies. It was frustrating and so sad to watch them be in so much pain as well as to see them throw up so often. Luckily as they've gotten bigger and matured the reflux and has gotten so much better.

Because they were preemies, Emma and Levi are a little delayed when it comes to milestones. At almost11months both babies are finally rolling,  siting up and beginning to crawl. I struggle with this when I  see other babies their age crawling and doing things Emma and Levi should be doing. I know they will do it in their own time and I am forever grateful to be able to watch these sweet babies grow.

Life with two babies can be challenging when it comes to taking them places and getting enough snuggles in. But we've learned to adapt and we are enjoying this crazy ride with twins! I am excited that they will always have each other. It's like a built in my best friend and my hope is that they will love each other above anyone else!

Feel free to read more of our story. You can read their birth story here and here  . You can also read about what its like to have a preemie here.

Thank you for stopping by. Feel free to browse and read the rest of our story!



Bluebonnet Pics

Ever since I found out I was pregnant I wanted to have the babies pictures taken in the Texas Bluebonnets. The time finally came and well it was a bust! Both babies hated it. They screamed the whole time and I don't think we got any good pictures. Luckily the photographer was very nice about it but since it was a mini session only lasting twenty minutes we didn't have much time to soothe them.  We have one year old pictures coming up in a few weeks and I'm super nervous for how the babies will react!  Here are the pics that I got.  Not the best but at least we tried!

Maybe we will try again in a few weeks!:) Happy Spring yall!

Five Guys- A restaurant experience

Recently the babes had their first restaurant experience. They did surprisingly well. We went out to eat after our failed attempt at getting bluebonnet pics which you can read about here.  We decided to go to one of our favorite restaurants, Five Guys Burgers and Fries.  The babes had a touch of a grilled cheese, fruit and some puffs. Overall it was a great first restaurant experience. Hopefully there will be some more in our future. 

PS. Emma and Levi turned 11 months old yesterday ! Somebody hold me!  I will have their 11 month post up soon! If I can ever get caught up with life!:)


Week 11 and 12 Project 365

Well I am finally feeling back to my normal self!  I think I am finally over the flu. So ironic that I got it but so glad we survived!  Here are my pics from project 365 from the past two weeks!

March 11-17, 2012

As always Im linking up with Laura for Project 365!

Between the Lines


Parents of preemies day

Hi guys! I have been away from the blog this week because I have been battling the flu. Its a little ironic for the person who rarely leaves the house and made my whole family get the flu shot to get the flu but I have survived. I am feeling somewhat better and am back to post today in honor of Parents of Preemies day! As you all know I have been blessed with two preemies and feel strongly about teaching people and fighting for preemies.  You can read about this here.  A while ago I posted a poem about being a preemie.  Here it is again!

A Preemie Mother's Oath

I have sat in the NICU and waited.

I have cried and prayed.

I have endured.

Like most things in life, the people who truly have appreciation are those who have struggled to attain their dreams.

I will notice everything about my child.

I will take time to watch my child sleep, explore and discover.

I will marvel at my surviving miracle every day for the rest of my life.

I will be happy when I wake in the middle of the night to the sound of my child, knowing that I can comfort, hold and feed him and that I am not waking to a nurse taking another temperature, an alarm going off, another round of meds or because I am crying tears for fear of the unknown.

I will be happy because my baby is alive and crying out for me.

I count myself lucky in this sense; that God has given me this insight, this special vision with which I will look upon my child that my friends will not see.

Whether I parent a preemie with physical challenges or medical issues, I will not be careless with my love.

I will be a better mother for all that I have endured. I am a better wife, a better aunt, a better daughter, neighbor, friend and sister because I have known pain.

I know disillusionment as I have been betrayed by my own body.

I have been tried by fire and hell many never face, yet given time, I stood tall.

I have prevailed.

I have succeeded.

I have won.

So now, when others hurt around me, I do not run from their pain in order to save myself discomfort. I see it, mourn it, and join them in theirs.

I listen.

And even though I cannot make it better, I can make it less lonely. I have learned the immense power of another hand holding tight to mine, of other eyes that moisten as they learn to accept the harsh truth and when life is beyond hard. I have learned a compassion that only comes with walking in those shoes.

I have learned to appreciate life.

Yes I will be a wonderful mother.

~Author Unknown~

If you know someone who has had a preemie hug them and remind them how strong they are. I will be back Sunday to update two weeks of project 365! Have a great weekend!


A Day at the Park

It has been so pretty here lately. We have hit spring early which is fine with me. I love spring but hate the allergies! I basically missed spring last year. I went into the hospital during the winter and when I got out it was summer so I am soaking up as much spring as possible. On Sunday we decided to head to our local lake and walk around it! We had such a good time. I love being outdoors and spending time as a family!

It was such a pretty day. The lake was full of people having picnics, feeding the ducks, riding paddle boats and playing. I can't wait until the babies are bigger and we can do more stuff like that.

Emma and Levi were fascinated with the ducks! While Clayton and I fed them they laughed hysterically!

Levi got tired of being in the stroller after a while. We had been there for about an hour. Daddy decided to show him the ducks up close. He was amazed.

Emma and I after our long walk!

The babies sure did sleep well after this!  Such a fun a day and I'm excited to be able to spend more days like this with my little family!


10 Months Old

On March 4, Emma and Levi are 10 months old. I think I just fainted from writing that! Double digits! Woo! Ok that means two months to party plan people. I better get busy.

During your 10th month we:

  • went to the park
  • Nonny and Poppy came to visit
  • went to Mimi's birthday party
  • went to the doctor for your nine month well child checkup
  • went on walks
  • celebrated your fist valentines day
  • went to Hobby Lobby
  • Went to Ikea
  • had to call 911 after Levi fell
  • went to Lowes
10 month stats:

Weight:I would guess almost 17 lbs
Development: sitting unsupported and trying to crawl. Saying Momma and babbling away.
Food: eating four 6-8 oz bottles and three meals a day. We are working on finger foods. You tried yogurt, strawberries and avocado this month.
Diapers: Size three during the day and four at night
Clothes: Size 6-9 month

Likes: you like the puppies and music. You also love anything little, books, music and looking at your self in the mirror.
Dislikes: being tired and taking naps ironic i know!

Weight: I would guess 20 lbs
Development: sitting unsupported and trying to crawl.
Food: eating four 6-8 oz bottles and three meals a day. We are working on finger foods. You tried yogurt, strawberries and avocado this month.
Diapers: Size three during the day and four at night
Likes: Your puppies and Elmo. You also like toys that make noise and your walker
Dislikes: being tired and when something is taken away from you.

Emma and Levi~

Your first birthday is fast approaching and I cannot believe you have been in our lives for ten months. I feel like you have always been a part of me! I love you both beyond belief and I feel so blessed to be your mommy!


Project 365- Week 10

Here are our pictures for the week of March 4-10, 2012. We had a pretty normal week. It has been raining here a lot so we didn't get out much!

Sunday March 4, 2012

Monday March 5, 2012

Tuesday March 6, 2012


Wednesday March 7, 2012

Thursday March 8, 2012

Friday March 9, 2012

Saturday March 11, 2012

I'm linking up for project 365.

Between the Lines


One Year Ago

One year ago my life changed.  At 22 weeks and 6 days pregnant I went into labor. It was one of the craziest, scariest life defining moments of my life. I have learned and come to accept that what all happened during my pregnancy will not define me.  It will forever be apart of me but will no longer what I focus on. I am choosing to focus on my family and the blessing that we have. Today will be a hard day. Remembering the events of that day will be hard but it will also feel good to know that we have come so far.

You can read more about that day and what all happened here. I would be honored if you would pray with me today for all the mommies who are facing loosing their babies too early, for all the preemies that will be born and for strength for the families in these situations.

My family and I are looking into getting involved with March of Dimes and I will be sharing more of our journey soon. But for now I leave with you pictures of my little blessings. The ones I fought to keep in and will forever be thanking God for the extra time I was able to carry them.


Tasty Tuesday- Mexican pasta Bake

This is a recipe that I found from another blog.I found this recipe on the wonderful Blue Eyed Brides blog. She makes a wonderful Bow Tie Fiesta Pasta. I've mentioned the original recipe before but this time when I made it I made some changes to suit my taste.  My hubby and I are big fans! I added turkey meat, rotel, black beans, corn, taco seasoning and garlic to my recipe!


1 lb Ground Turkey Meat
1 packet Taco seasoning
2 15 oz cans of tomato sauce
1 can rotel (I use mild)
1 can black beans
1 can fiesta corn
1/2  green pepper chopped
1/2 white onion chopped
1/2 jalapeno chopped
1 small tomato chopped
1 1/2 cup salsa
1 1/2 cup sour cream
1 tbsp chili powder
Salt and Pepper to taste
1 lb rotini noodles
2 1/2 Mexican flavored shredded cheese
3 gloves chopped garlic


1. Boil noodles until cooked through.
2. Brown turkey meat adding chili powder and salt and pepper
3. When meat is browned add green pepper, onion, and jalapeno and cook until onion is clear.
4. In large bowl combine sour cream, salsa, taco seasoning, rotel, garlic, corn, black beans, tomato sauce, chili powder,salt and pepper and two cups cheese.
5. When noodles and meat mixture are cooked combine with sauce mixture.
6. Pour in large glass casserole dish.
7. Sprinkle the rest of the cheese on top.
8. Cook at 350 for 20- 30 minutes or until golden brown!


I linked up with Cami for Tasty Tuesday!



Project 365- Week 9

This week was a good one. Lots of new things for the babies.

Sunday Feb. 26, 2012

Monday, Feb 27, 2012

Tuesday Feb 28, 2012

Wednesday Feb 29, 2012 Leap Day

Thursday March 1, 2012

Friday March 2, 2012

Saturday March 3, 2012

As always I'm linking up with Laura for Project 365!