
Blog Sale Link up

Today I am linking up with Leslie for a blog sale link up!

Please note: Prices DO NOT include shipping! Shipping will be based on how many items you purchase and will only be a couple of dollars!
Also all items are in Excellent Used Condition unless otherwise noted.
To claim an outfit please leave me a comment with the word sold and your paypal email. Please describe what outfit you are wanting to purchase. If you would rather email me you can email me at thewilkersonway {at} gmail {dot} com.
If you have any questions or would like to see a better picture please let me know!
Happy shopping! 
Baby Works top with Bloomers Size 12mo $5.00
{SOLD}Carriage Boutiques 9mo Fish Romper $10.00
Baby Nay Size 12mo $7.00
Baby Nay Size 12mo $7.00
 {SOLD} Petit Ami Ruffle Bubble Size 12mo (runs small IMO) $10.00
Ralph Lauren Romper Size 9mo $7.00
Baby Nay Size 12mo $7.00

 Savannah Baby Size 9m $7.00
Rare Editions Size 6mo 49.00
{PINK SOLD}Freckles and Kitty Size 12mo $7 a piece or $12 for both
Mud Pie Swing Top with Bloomers Size 12-18 mo $7
That's it for now folks!  Happy shopping!


Lately we have been very goofy!

Lately we celebrated Clayton's birthday! Clayton and I got to go on a date to Benihanas! It was so yummy and so good to get out of the house. Thank you Nonny for babysitting!
Lately we have played outside!
Lately we have been sitting in our toys and climbing on things!
Lately we have been playing in our jammies and taking baths in Mommy's tub!
Lately we have been loving life and having a great time! Hope you are doing well lately!


Playing At The Park

Since the weather has gotten slightly cooler lately we have taken advantage by going to the park. Now that Emma and Levi are walking and climbing the park is a lot more fun! Here are some fun pictures of our recent park trips!

So fun! I am so excited for the cooler weather and more park trips in our future!


Are You There God, It's me Amanda!

The other day I asked a question on twitter. This was my tweet:

"When you ask God for an answer, how do you know it comes? Is it the action of another person, a feeling, what?"

Yes, I know it may not be grammatically correct but hey 140 characters doesn't always allow for proper grammar.

Recently I was pondering a new adventure and I was constantly praying for a clear answer.  But I think because of my type A, planner ways I want to hear a resounding yes or no and that doesn't always happen for me. 

A lot of the responses I got from my twitter friends were about a feeling.  They all said that they knew they had their answer from God when they had peace regarding their decision.  This sounded good to me.  So that night instead of just praying for a clear answer I prayed for peace regarding my decision.

Sometimes I wonder about people who say they hear God's voice. I'm jealous.  I feel like I have heard it before but then I wonder if it's me saying what I want to hear.  Does that make sense?  I want to feel like I am having a conversation with God. 

What do you think? How do you know when you get an answer from God?


So Excited

I am so excited for this new adventure that I have decided to embark on. After many day of prayer and thought I have decided to join the Scentsy team. I am so excited but also a bit nervous!

 I am so not a sales person but I am looking forward to trying this.  So if you need anything please don't hesitate to ask!  I have a launch party going on right now and you can order straight from my website or you can contact me and I can place the order for you! 

If you don't know about Scentsy, it is a wick less way to make your home, office, car smell wonderful. " Scentsy began with a simple idea — a safe, wick less alternative to scented candles — and quickly grew into one of the most successful direct selling companies in the world. This wick less concept is simply decorative ceramic warmers designed to melt scented wax with the heat of a light bulb instead of a traditional wick and flame."  There are many options and scents so please ask if you don't know where to start! You can find my website here!

I am thrilled to be a part of the Scentsy team and I would be honored to help you shop Scentsy!


A Trip to the DR

Last week one day Emma woke up a lot during the night which is not normal for her!  The next day she woke up with a fever and by lunch time it was 102.6.  I also noticed that she was having a lot of wet diapers.

At this point I began to panic. Because of her history with UTI's it is always a possibility that she will get another one.  I called the doctor and made an appointment for later in the afternoon.

We got to the doctor and while we were waiting in the pretty full waiting room, Emma puked ALL. OVER. ME.  I was horrified.  I felt so bad for her.  A baby throwing up is one of the saddest things. 

Right at this time the nurse calls us to go back. I take a screaming Emma into the bathroom to clean us both up. Of course neither of us had a change of clothes. I cleaned what I could off of us and took her back to the exam room. Poor Emma had to hang out naked and I had a wet shirt. Fun times!

Luckily our pediatrician has really nice nurses. One of the nurses offered me her jacket. I wasn't going to turn it down because the smell was beginning to make me want to throw up! It was like a 105 and I was sweating but I was grateful to not be in the puke shirt!

Poor Emma was not happy!  She hates being sick as much as I do! She feel asleep for about an hour while we were waiting for her to go potty!

So all of this sickness led to an allergist appointment.  The day after we were at the doctor she had broken out in hives. We thought maybe she was experiencing an egg allergy to the vaccine she had just received.  This is a pic of the happy girl at the allergist!

Poor baby had a scratch test! Ouch!

Turns our she is not allergic to eggs! We think she might be having a reaction to a preservative in her vaccines since this has happened twice after shots.  So the plan is to closely monitor after shots and see if we can figure out what is causing these reactions! Poor chicken!


Go Rangers!

 Last Saturday Clayton and I had the opportunity to go to the Rangers Game!  It was fun to get out of the house and the best part was we got to sit in a suite!  And even better the suite had On The Border
catered! If you know me at all you know about my love affair with Mexican food!

We had a blast and Rangers won! Yay for date night!

We tried to get a family pic before we left! Pics are a lot harder with these two now!

Me and the hubs!

Go Rangers!


Consignment Craziness

Next week is the beginning of consignment season so my house is a big mess! There are piles of clothes, old toys, and baby gear all over the place! Hopefully once I drop off the first load next Wednesday I will back to blogging regularly! Until then I hope everyone is doing well!


For Sale

Happy Shopping Friends! In the spirit of consignment season I thought I would offer some items on the old blog first.  All items include shipped and are EUC unless otherwise stated.  Please leave a comment, text me, tweet me, whatever is easiest to let me know if you want to purchase anything!

Carters Sets Size 6 mo $15 for all three or $5.00 for one

Carters Sets Size 6mo $15.00 for all three or $5.00 for one

Carter Long Sleeve Onesies $16.00 for all four or $4.00 a pieve

Carters pants Size 6m $6.00 for both $3.00 for one

Carters Fleece pants Size 6mo $6.00 for both $3.00 for one

That's it for now! I will have some more soon! Happy Shopping!


So What Wednesday

I'm linking up with Shannon for another "So What" Wednesday!

Here's What I am saying So What! to this week: 

  • so what if I haven't gotten out of my pajamas today and it is 3 pm
  • so what if yesterday I freaked out and drove straight to pedi when Emma had hives
  • so what if I have already started the babes Christmas presents
  • so what if my kids have tried every sippy cup known to man
  • so what if I haven't done my hair in a week
  • if I have been obsessed with the Olympics but am kinda ready for them to be over so I can get to bed on time!


Someone Hold Me

My babies are 15 months old as of August 4th! Clayton keeps calling them toddlers and it makes me want to hurl!  How is it possible that they are so grown up! Time must stop. I am doing my best to soak in every second with them! 


Weight:18 lbs 11 oz
Height: 29 in
Diaper: Size 3 during the day and 5 at night
Clothes: anywhere from 9-12
Shoe size: 3 1/2
Food: Love most food but isn't a big fan of vegetables. Loves fruit and ice cream.
Developmental Milestones: WALKING!  clapping, blows kisses, waves bye bye, play peekaboo, shakes head no, Stacking blocks, shares,
Teeth: 3 total, 2 on bottom 1 on top

Words: bye bye, momma, dada, wow, whoa, woof, Elmo, boom, boo
Likes: her lipstick, reading books, taking baths, swinging, the dog door,
Dislikes: naps, changing her diaper, veggies, being told no
Sleep: bed around 8 and sleeps until around 8 in the morning. Takes one nap a day
Hair: short brown with curls
Eyes: still blue


Weight: 23 lbs 4.5 oz
Height: 29 1/2 in
Diaper: size 4 during the day and 5 at night
Clothes: some 12 mo but mostly 18 month
Shoe Size: 4 1/2
Food: loves most food. Not a huge fan of cold things like Popsicles
Developmental Milestones: WALKING!, clapping, Staking blocks
Teeth: 6 total. 2 on bottom 4 on top
Words: momma, dada
Likes: his mommy, playing catch with balls, his dogs, playing with the dog door, bath time
Dislikes: when mommy leaves, changing his diaper,  having stuff taken away or being told no
Sleep: goes to bed around 8 and gets up around 8. Takes two naps a day
Hair: long brown
Eyes: brown with a hint of green

This month:

  • Nonny and Poppy visited
  • Emma went to the urologist
  • went to cabelas
  • went to target
  • went swimming at Mimi's
  • Went to Stella's birthday party
  • went to eat at uncle Julio's, olive garden, macaroni grill,
  • went to play with our new friends Harper and Avery
  • Went to play with Kyndall who was in the NICU with Levi
  • Went to play with Mommy's college friends
  • went to the developmental doctor and got a good report
  • Emma went to the urologist

  If you are looking for cute baby girl clothes check out my sale here and here. If you are a mom of multiples please link up this Thursday! We are sharing our favorite pics of our babies!  You can link up here!