
For Moms by Moms

Introducing For MOMs (moms of multiples) by MOMs!!
Are you a MOM (mom of multiples)? Do you sometimes need a shoulder to lean on or maybe advice from other moms of multiples about having multiples? Well look no further, you've come to the right place!
My friends, Jennifer, Heather, Amanda, Megan and I found each other through blogging and have cultivated a lasting friendship. We talk pretty much daily about life with our twins and has been a great comfort having other moms who understand what my life is like being a mom of twins.
In the past weeks, we have been talking about using our blogs to create a platform to discuss MOM topics and also allowing other MOMs to give their input as well. After throwing around some ideas, we finally decided to host a weekly link up called 'For MOMs by MOMs'.
The link-up will be every Monday and each week we'll be discussing a different topic. Most of the topics will be geared mainly towards other MOMs but some will definitely be broad enough that all moms can get involved!
What part do you play in the link-up? We want your opinions and experiences too! We think it would be great for MOM's to get different perspectives because your experiences and/or opinions might not be the same as ours.and that's ok!
Since this is a new link up, next week we'd like for all of you to introduce yourselves. Tell us about yourself, your multiples, whether or not you went through fertility treatments or anything else you would like to share so that we can get to know you.
There aren't any requirements to enter this link up. We want this to be about supporting one another and maybe finding a few friends in the process! We do encourage you to follow the blogs you like to show them some blog love. ;)
We are so excited about this and hope you come back each week to link up!
Don't forget! Next week's topic is about introducing ourselves!


Project 365- Week 15

Here are the project 365 picture for April 8-14, 2012. 

Im linking with Laura from Between the Lines for Project 365!

Between the Lines


11 months old!!

On April 4 the babies officially turned 11 months old! So crazy to me. I think it doesn't seem like that long to me because they have only been home for 9 months. They are both continuing to do well and I am so proud of my almost one year olds!

Weight: around 17 lbs
Clothes: some 6 months but mostly 9-12
Diapers: size 3 during the day 4 at night
Foods: likes most food. Refuses to eat baby food
Skills: sitting up on own and almost crawling
Sleep: takes two cat naps a day (sleepy momma) and sleeps through the night
Likes: loves books, little things, to swing, playing outside, her dogs,
Dislikes: large crowds, napping, water, having her diaper changed, things in her face
Teeth: none

Weight 21 lbs
Clothes: 12- 18 month
Diapers: size 3 during the day and 4 at night but will move to 4 soon
Foods: Likes anything you put in front of him. Great eater
Skills: crawling and pulling up!
Sleep: takes two naps a day and mostly sleeps through the night
Likes: his mommy, his dogs, his tools, his music table, playing outside, swinging, splashing in bath
Dislikes:  not being by mommy, riding in car, large crowds, going to the dr,
Teeth: two

During your 11 month we:
  • went to Five Guys burgers and Fries
  • Went to MIMIS house
  • went to the developmental dr
  • went to the olive garden
  • had bluebonnet pics
  • dealt with mommy having the flu
  • Nonny and Poppy visited
  • Got a new swing set
  • went to walmart
  • went to ikea
  • Spent two days without daddy while he was in NYC

Here are some pics from your 11 month.

Project 365- Week 14

Yes, I am very late on this. With Easter this weekend and house guest and then Levi being sick we are just now getting back to normal!

Here are our pics for the week of April 1-7, 2012.

I usually link up with Laura for Project 365!  I will hopefully be back next week on time! I am also working on their 11 month post!


Feeding the Babies

The twins have become quite the eaters.  Ever since we started introducing finger foods the babies decided that they had had enough of the baby purees. They flat out refuse them.  So I am having a hard time figuring out what to feed these munchkins!  Our pediatrician said that we can basically feed them what we eat as long as we stay away from foods that are forbidden the first year. So here is what a typical day of eating looks like for Emma and Levi.

8:00- 7-8 oz bottle

9:00- Breakfast- some things they eat for breakfast are oatmeal, toast with jelly, waffles or cereal bars. We usually have some sort of fruit with breakfast and usually a handful of cheerios.

12:00- 7-8 oz bottle

1:00- Lunch- lunch seems to be where I struggle. They have had pasta with marinara sauce, macaroni and cheese, turkey toast, cheese, avocado, veggies, chicken noodle soup, crunchies, puffs, yogurt melts.

4- 7-8 oz bottle

5:30- dinner. We try to feed them what we are having but only healthier. They usually eat toast, rice, noodles, tortillas, cheese, veggies.

See I need some new ideas! What are your favorite things to feed your baby? They are almost 11 months old!  Help a new mommy out and give me some ideas!  Thanks in advance!


Project 365- Week13

Here are our project 365 pics from this past week.

Sunday March 25, 2012

Monday March 26, 2012

Tuesday March 27, 2012

Wednesday March 28, 2012

Thursday March 29, 2012

Friday March 30, 2012

Saturday march 31, 2012

As always I am linking up with Laura for Project 365!

Between the Lines